Our Curriculum

We honor the gifts that God has placed in every child…

therefore we have formulated our curriculum in a way that helps to engage each child’s learning style in order to cultivate a lifelong love and joy for learning.

Our innovative curriculum is designed to engage your child through teacher and student led lessons that promote character growth and critical thinking and problem solving skills.

  • Teacher-Led

    Lessons and activities are planned in advance and delivered to students in whole-group or direct instruction.

  • Student-Led

    We believe in allowing students’ interest and curiosity to guide their learning experience through avenues such as play and exploration. This includes using “informal yet intentional” play to teach a concept or skill.

Developing a Biblical Worldview

We all have a lens through which we view and understand the world. It’s forms from your life experiences, and your beliefs and values. It includes what you believe to be true. A biblical worldview means that you examine, evaluate, and make sense of the world through the truth of the Bible. Christian schools teach from a Biblical worldview. Christian teachers and coaches integrate biblical values into every program of the school. Teaching from a Christian perspective does not simply mean diagramming Bible verses or studying biblical text as literature. Teaching itself is not just the passing along of information from one person to the next.

The difference between a public or non-Christian school and a Christian school is not in the professionalism of its staff or perfection of its student body, but in the focus and goals of its education. That focus and those goals greatly influence the school culture. In a Christian school such as Life Legacy Academy, students are loved and influenced as they learn from committed Christian Teachers sharing the same Biblical values as their parents.

Students learn these values not just from Bible class but also from the examples that are modeled and taught by faculty, coaches, and staff members in every school activity. 

Challenges, conflict, and circumstances are engaged from a Biblical / Christian perspective.

A Christian school does not replace the role of the parent or church; a Christian school like LLA becomes a partner with the parent and church. Christian parents today too often feel as if they are battling an entire culture in order to raise godly children. 

Parents increase their effectiveness by widening the circle of influence around their children with other godly adults. At a Christian school, students are taught by faculty and staff who share the same basic values and beliefs as the parents. 

It is a partnership. 

Those relationships will have a lasting influence on your child.